Archive for March 31st, 2023

Presentation of the book ‘L’esquerda’

We recommend this book based on fishing in Palamós, which will be presented by the author Elisabet Moreno on April 19 at the Fishing Museum of Palamós.

Blue growth knowledge spaces

Do you know exactly what knowledge spaces are and what they are for? Let us tell you!

European Parliament resolution on the situation of small-scale fishing in the EU and its future prospects (part I).

We share 5 mandates to highlight from the European Parliament Resolution to ‘Improve exploitation conditions and ensure the future of small-scale, artisanal and coastal fisheries’.

Digipesca, the network led from La Safor area in València for the growth of fisheries in the Spanish Mediterranean

Together with our partners, we develop projects in the Mediterranean belonging to several fields of study.

The Artisanal Fishing Sector in the Spanish Mediterranean: A Sector with a Long History and an Uncertain Future

We share this interesting scientific article by Andrea Márquez Escamilla, Paloma Herrera-Racionero, José Pastor Gimeno and Lluís Miret-Pastor, published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.

The UPV presents the DIGIPESCA project

We attended the 10th Conference on coastal marine environment in the Valencian Community and the Region of Murcia in order to publicize Digipesca.

‘The Sea is Our Life’. Woman in the Fishery Sector of the Valencian Community

We share this interesting scientific article by Paloma Herrera-Racionero, Emmánuel Lizcano, Lluís Miret-Pastor and Yesmina Mascarell published in Sociologia Ruralis.

The National Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, a collaborator of the Digipesca project

The coordinators of the Digipesca project meet with the National Federation of Fishermen’s Associations to draw up new joint lines of action.

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