Artisanal fishing

Databases: Spanish Mediterranean fish markets

Databases of species, prices and monthly quantities. Mediterranean and Andalusian fish markets (2010-2021).

The UPV values and promotes the consumption of fish from the fish market among the public

The Digipesca project lands once again in Gandia with this successful day on fishing and cooking for profit.

Virgen del Carmen, patron saint of the sea

As every year, on July 16 it is a tradition in the coastal municipalities to worship this Virgin through our seas.

Participatory workshop ‘Arts, nets and netting’

Next Thursday, July 20, in the Patio de Armas of the Castle Fortress will be held this event organized by the Consorci de Museus and the Museum of the Sea of Santa Pola.

The Digipesca project collaborates with the fishermen’s guild of Vinaròs

We are launching a new initiative to make visible and publicize the work of the fishing profession through social networks.

Minor arts

Did you know that there are different types of fishing gear? In this entry we explain those that correspond to the so-called minor gears.

Conclusions of the conference ‘OPP and other marketing strategies for seafood products’.

Through this entry you can consult the dossier of the informative day organized by Digipesca in Gandia on May 5, 2023.

Inshore fishing

What do we mean when we talk about inshore fishing or small-scale fishing? How does it differ from industrial or deep-sea fishing?